
1 Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one o分享

2021-09-30 22:06:29


A lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为……  Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to pers考试

2021-09-30 08:07:43


1 不用说   It goes without saying that 子句 =(It is) needless to say (that)子句 =It is obvious that 子句英语写作指导

2021-09-26 12:14:43


1、 英语的一个习惯用法是:当否定谓语think时,实际上是否定其后面的宾语从句。否定就落在宾语从句上。这样宾语从句就变成了双重否定,译时可以按双重否定译,也可按肯定来译。  It is a va英语写作指导

2021-09-25 08:07:00


介绍类  1 was set up two years ago   2 The club organizes various activities regularly catering for t分享

2021-09-24 22:07:45

[英语四级写作 写题目吗]英语四级写作常用的经典句型

1)主语从句  It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy   It is well-known that   It is s英语写作指导

2021-09-24 08:08:26


1 From the statistics given in chart,we conclude that __________   2 The number of__________nearl英语写作指导

2021-09-22 18:06:27

英语四级写作 写题目吗_英语四级写作观点讨论类句型

句型1  Different people have different views on_____ Some people think that_____,whereas others aegu英语写作指导

2021-09-20 08:06:34


一 段首句  1)关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……  There are different opinions among people as to 省略 Some people sugg英语写作指导

2021-09-15 12:09:57


延迟退休  Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should考试

2021-09-08 22:06:42



2021-09-02 18:06:22


一年有四季,风当然也不甘落下。  温暖的春天来了,春风也跟随着春姑娘来了,春天的风是柔和、温暖的,像母亲的手,轻轻地拂过你白里透红的脸。小草被春风抚摸着,它长的更绿了。树叶儿长出了长长的枝条,春风风

2021-08-22 22:10:46


四季真有趣。它有时温暖,有时炎热,有时凉爽,有时寒冷,天气就像它的心情变化无常,令人难以捉摸。  首先登场的是我们的春姑娘,她有着神奇的魔法。春天一到,万物复苏,冬天的冰雪顷刻间化成一滩水,瞧,她四季

2021-04-07 18:06:35



2020-01-30 16:28:04


The Expanding Population and the Birth Control  The need for birth control methods has developed f人口

2019-11-17 18:10:07


different people have different views on opportunity some think that there are only few opportuni机会

2019-11-17 08:12:13


Step Away From the Video Games  Every afternoon hundreds of thousands of youths flood Internet caf游戏

2019-11-17 08:12:13

谁应该对食品安全负责 英语作文|谁应该对我们的老人们负责任四级英语作文

Who Should Be Responsible for Our Old People?  As the result of birth control and improvement of m责任

2019-11-16 22:10:11

[学习方式 脱产 半脱产 业余是什么意思]学习方式四级英语作文

educators have known for a long time that people learn in different ways that is why teachers pre学习

2019-11-16 22:10:11


opinions on whether fireworks should be banned or not vary from person to person some are in favo叙事

2019-11-16 18:12:53