
更新时间:2019-08-19 来源:一年级作文 点击:


  eam is something which most students are etremely afraid of. it is even referred to by some students as nothing but aniety-makers.

  frankly speaking, everyone is worried and anious before eams. some students are so worried and anious that theycant fall asleep at night, which will lead to poor performance in the eams. this, in turn, makes them nervous even when the eams are over.if it is reasonable to be worried and anious before eams, it is certainly not reasonable to be so after the eams. what we should clo is to rela completely. but when asked, some students say that they really have no idea how to do so.

  the following are what i usually do after eams. first, dont make too big a deal about scores. eam is only a way to test how much youve learned about the subject. it enables you and your teacher to know where your shortcomings lie. the world will not end if you fail in one eam. it helps to rela yourself if you realize this. second, listen to some music. light music or classical music would be the best. the beautiful melody will bring you into a world filled with joy and happiness.

  finally, participate in any kind of sport games you like. it will help you to rela both mentally and physically.





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