
更新时间:2019-11-17 来源:一年级作文 点击:


  whether fireworks should be banned has recently come into focus. while some restrictions are necessary, i don’t think fireworks should be banned altogether.

  burning fireworks has been a long tradition. many people still favor this tradition, because it adds much to the atmosphere of weddings and other ceremonies. in the midst of burning fireworks people forget temporarily their worries and troubles. and they believe the cracking of fireworks will bring them luck. other people think burning fireworks does nothing good. they say it wastes money, pollutes the air, produces noise, and causes fires. they say fireworks should be banned.

  although many cities have enforced a ban on fireworks, i personally disapprove of this policy. it is true that burning fireworks wastes money. but isn’t much more wasted on extravagant eating? it is true that firecrackers cause noise and air pollution. but is it a very big problem in an already heavily polluted society? it is true that fireworks cause fires. but it is not true that fireworks inevitably cause fires. the question is not to ban or not to ban. the question is to have some restrictions and better management. a popular tradition of an ancient culture shouldn’t be thrown away overnight.





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