
更新时间:2020-07-31 来源:一年级作文 点击:




  Task: Motorized flight is the greatest invention in the history. No other inventions exerts greater impact. do you agree or disagree.

  New scientific inventions have dramatically changed the way people live. Motorized flight is one of the key inventions in the history of technology. However, as far as I am concerned, the impact of motorized flight can be not considered the greatest among all inventions.

  Apart from the motorized flight, other inventions have contributed enormously to our everyday life as well. Especially since the “industrial revolution” took place, our lives have been made much more convenient by inventions such as trains , computers and internet. Each invention has its different functions and works in different fields. As a result, it is hard to compare that which one exerts greater impact. Even a pair of chopsticks has impacted for almost 5000 years on the habit how people eat in China.

  In addition, we should not only focus on the motorized flight itself to announce that it is the most important invention. Admittedly, it made the dream of human being become true, which people had been dreaming for so long to fly in the sky. From thunder and lightning to the electrical light, from the invention of the wheel to the car,and of course, without the invention of the screw; nail; hammer and motor, there will be no airplane.

  In conclusion, the steps of inventing new products will never stop in our fast-developing society. Without suggesting all the inventions are equally good, I think we should not ignore other small inventions as well, because every invention can be our friends and support our way of life.


  The chart describes how water is obtained outdoors.

  According to the figure, the first step of obtaining water outdoors is to find a hole with green plants on its bottom. Next, remove the green plants in the middle and put a container there. Then, cover the hole with a plastic sheet and place two stones on both ends of it to secure its position. A third stone is laid on the middle of the plastic sheet so that the middle part is also the lowest part.

  When the sun shines on the green plants in the hole, water evaporates from these plants. The vapor rises up and then cools down to form water drops on the plastic sheet. When there is more and more water, it flows along the sheet to accumulate on the lowest part. Finally, water falls down into the container directly under the middle stone.

  Thus, water is collected successfully through evaporation from green plants.


  With the process of globalization and interaction among different nations, a variety of native languages and cultures have been lost.

  What are the main reasons for and effects of this phenomenon? And what can countries do to save the great loss?

  During the past two decades, the trend of globalization has been gaining momentum. Giant, multinational corporations produce and sell their commodities in almost every country. Meanwhile, with the increasing interaction among different nations and the dominance of English as the most preferred international language, cultural gaps have been largely bridged and a number of native languages have been lost. Although this phenomenon may be a necessary step to economic prosperity, the great loss of many native languages and cultures is to be lamented.

  It is obvious that globalization and the economic development in many countries are the culprits. In order to communicate with a few industrialized nations, whose languages are mainly English, French and German, many developing countries have to sacrifice their own native languages, and some of them even adopt English as their only official language, as in the case of Singapore, where the pre-dominant language in all mass media is invariably English. Without effective communication, opportunities for free trade and prospects of economic advancement are very slim.

  However, the sacrifices that these countries make for globalization are far too great because the loss of their native languages and, subsequently, their cultures and traditions, are virtually irretrievable. For example, before the American continent was discovered, there were thousands of native Indian languages. But since the USA established itself and started to explore its western territories, hundreds of these languages, together with their unique cultures and customs, have been vanishing every year. This is certainly a devastating catastrophe to the world’s lingual diversity and cultural heritage.

  Therefore, governments of many developing nations should take effective measures to preserve their native languages and cultures. One thing they can do is to emphasize their national identities in all educational levels. Schools and colleges should promote cultural awareness and encourage patriotism in their courses and extracurricular activities. In a similar way, government agencies and all civil services can use English and their native languages simultaneously as a good way of accommodating globalization as well as retaining their national heritage

  In conclusion, the growing trend of globalization and the economic improvement in many developing countries has resulted in the rapid extinction of a wide range of native languages and cultures. And governments must take serious steps to save the huge loss and play an important role in preserving their own heirlooms.





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