
更新时间:2022-01-25 来源:小学英语作文 点击:


  The story of the Newton how to find out the theory of gravity is known to all.牛顿是如何发现引力理论的故事是众所周知的。

  One day, when I am walking home,有一天,当我走回家时

  suddenly someone throw an apple to me,突然有人扔给我一个苹果

  I see it fall down in front of me.我看着它掉在我的前面。

  I think of Newton’s story,我想起牛顿的故事

  I will never think in his way.我怎么也不会以他的方式去思考

  That’s make a difference between the great person and normal one.这就是伟大的人与普通的人之间的区别。

