
更新时间:2023-01-27 来源:一年级作文 点击:


  多交朋友 Making More Friends

  I like to make friends, I can share my happiness and sorrow with friends. Friends are very important part of our lives, without them, I will be very lonely. I learn it when I was very small. It was Friday, I went to school to join the English contest, before I went into the classroom, I found I did not bring the admission card, I felt so worried, without admission card, I could not walk into the classroom. My friend Li looked at me and asked me what happened, I told him the truth, then he asked me to stay here and he rushed to our classroom. Ten minutes later, he came back with my admission card. I was so thankful, friends are very important.


  网上交友的风险The Danger of Making Friends Online

  As the development of high technology, people count on the computer so much, some people even stay at home all the time and use the computer to order the thing to support their lives. Making friends online is a fast and easy way for people to know others, they can chat whatever they want and don’t have to make time to know each other. But such way of making friends is dangerous, people may be cheated. We can see the news that people were cheated by the online friends and lost a lot of money, even their lives. Internet is a big world, there is no way for people to know what kind of person the other people are, so don’t count on the Internet so much.


  朋友间的信任The Trust Between Friends

  Friends areimportant for us, everyone has their own friends, we share sorrow and happinesswith our friends. We are making new friends now and then, but it is hard tofind the genius friends, the trust between friends are hard to build. If thetrust exists, friends can talk anything, they are willing to show who they are infront of their friends. While if the trust doesn’t exist, the friendship is notreal deep, people will ask you when they are in trouble. The real friendship isbuilt on the basis of trust. My best friend will never ask me to do thing allthe time, instead, she cares about me, and comforts me when I am upset. That’sa real friend.



  关于友谊 Of Friendship

  In our daily life, if we get on harmoniously with our friends, we’ll feel more joyous. But we’ll feel lonely without friends.When our friends feel upset or get ill, we shouldn’t ignore them or look down upon them. On the contrary, we ought to calm them down, show our love and concern to them and try our best to help them overcome the hardships. Sometimes we may have some misunderstandings or disagreements with our friends, thus we had better have a discussion with them and try to accept their good ideas instead of quarreling with them. As long as we can follow these good suggestions, we’ll find it easy to make more friends.


  包饺子 Making Dumplings

  Inmy hometown, there is a tradition that every family would keep—making dumplings. We usually makedumplings on the last day of the lunar calendar and eat them on the New Year’sEve. We roll the dough into pieces and prepare the stuffing. And then we canmake dumplings. There is an important thing need to do in this period. That iswe usually put coins into some dumplings. Those people who eat the dumping witha coin in it will get the best wishes for the next year. The final step isboiling the dumplings. At this time, all people are waiting for the dumplings. Forus, it’s the best New Year’s Eve dinner.


  怎样交朋友?How to Make Friends?

  For some, it’s easy to make new friends in school because they are outgoing. But for some others, it seems difficult. Here are some tips to make friends.


  Firstly, be positive and outgoing. Only when you are positive and outgoing, others would like to talk to you and then make friends with you. Secondly, develop some interests. It’s easier for people to make new friends when you have common interests. They can supply topics to discuss. Thirdly, be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before you talking about yourself. Finally, try to help your friends when they are in trouble, because a friend in need is a friend indeed.






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