
更新时间:2023-04-03 来源:一年级作文 点击:


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  February 16 University of Sydney, the official news release, starting this year, officially recognizes China's college entrance examination scores, which means that China's outstanding high school graduates with college entrance examination results directly apply for the top universities in Australia.

  Explicitly listed in the official documents of the University of Sydney, the specific requirements of the college entrance examination scores for each province, the basic reference to 2011 the provinces of a score as long as the students reach a local undergraduate batch of admission standards, plus meet the school requirements IELTS or TOEFL scores directly to the admission of all professional college of the University of Sydney first grade should be noted that some special expertise, such as pharmacy, but also special requirements, and some professionals, such as the law requires IELTS 7.5 For the English proficiency of students demanding.

  University of Sydney has been one of the most sought after by the Chinese students overseas prestigious past, China's high school graduates regardless of the college entrance examination scores how high the need to add read 8 months to 1 year of matriculation to enter the freshman learning of the University of Sydney. The new policy makes China's outstanding high school graduates can be admitted directly to the freshman of the University of Sydney, saving valuable time and tuition.

  According to the study in Australia to experts, this Australia has more than 10 universities in recognition of China's college entrance examination scores, including Curtin University of Technology, Macquarie University, University of Sydney as the world's top 50 famous universities of this declaration recognizing the HKALE is bound to lead to a number of Australian universities and even other countries, some of the prestigious recognition of the college entrance examination, and to provide more opportunities for the helicopter world elite of China's outstanding high school graduates.





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