历史 网络战争_网络战争作文范文

更新时间:2019-08-17 来源:一年级作文 点击:



  as people grow wise to email scams, criminal gangs will find new ways to commit online fraud, sell fake goods or steal corporate secrets.


  "the attacks are becoming more sophisticated," said dave rand of internet security firm trend micro. "its all about making money. and theyre making a lot of it," he told reuters.

  网络安全公司trend micro员工dave rand对路透社说:“袭击手段越来越高明。这一切都因为钱。他们正从中大捞特捞。”

  in , hackers will be scouring social networking sites such as myspace to gather information for more focused attacks on peoples computers.


  "it is definitely an area that is ripe for more eploitation by malware (malicious software)," said ed english, trend micros chief technology officer for anti-spyware.

  trend micro反间谍软件主要技术官员ed english说:“对恶意软件来说,这个领域已经足够‘肥硕’了。”

  people could find their computers infected with viruses that secretly record all their keystrokes or send out millions of spam email messages.


  identity theft fraudsters will trawl through sites which allow people to leave their pictures and personal details, finding targets for "phishing" attacks – fraudulent emails aimed at tricking people into revealing credit card numbers.


  hackers will also target people using instant messaging services or making telephone calls over the internet in , trend micro said.

  trend micro说,,黑们还将袭击使用网络即时消息服务打电话的人。

  powerful new mobile phones and portable computers will also be targets as thieves try to bypass tight security to steal emails, documents or contacts, security firm mcafee said.


  "modern mobile phones are in essence miniature portable computers," the company said in its annual crime report. "mobile devices present a serious challenge."


  mcafee warns that spying on businesses will become more sophisticated. criminals are hiring students to plant as sleepers in companies and huge amounts of data can be removed on small, portable memory sticks.


  "corporate espionage is big business," its report says. "data is often priceless property. stealing trade secrets, information or contacts is a lucrative money-spinner for cybercriminals."


  security firms say internet crime can be hard to combat because it embraces different continents and time zones.






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