
更新时间:2019-08-20 来源:一年级作文 点击:


  yourszhang ying a letter to a schoolmatedear iao wang, learning that you are going to visit me during the week-long holiday, i was so happy that i couldn’t wait a minute to share the good news with my patents. they are also very eager to see you. i am sure you will find your stay enjoyable. the scenery of my home town is beautiful. the first thing we may do after your arrival is to go to the woods in the morning, with is as lovely and peaceful as the vienna woods we’ve seen in the film the great waltz. with birds singing, we’ll have a leisurely walk in the woods. my hometown is located in a mountainous area and we will certainly not miss mountain-climbing during the holiday. the mountains here are all covered with trees of different kinds and are worth touring. there is no doubt that we’ll have a real picnic there. after that, we can go fishing and swimming in a river, which is not far away from my home. it would be very delightful to sit at a tranquil country river bank with our feet dangling into the cool water in such hot summer days. phone me before you set off and let me know eactly when you will get here. i will meet you at the station. my bet wishes to you and your family. yours truly zhang ying





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