
更新时间:2019-11-10 来源:一年级作文 点击:


  with the spurt of science and technology, the invention of electronic books seems blessing to our students. some folks prefer electric ones to textbooks. such books are obviously handy and convenient; and thanks to their multi-functions. they are conductive to their read ers, who can obtain much relatively updated information, however, every coin has two sides. nowadays, fewer people has time sitting beforce computer reading e-books. even if time is available, those so-called devices named packable readers may also be restricted by virtue of lacking electricity.

  when it comes to traditional books, they also have their own superiori ties. many individuals often maintain that they are more convenient than e-books, for people have no restrictions in using them. whenever you are or whenever you are or wherever you go, you can bring some books for reading. on the other hand, traditional books are more available because they are sold in various bookshops. however, although traditional books possess such advantages, they also have some deficiencies. for instance, traditional books are not easily portable so it is inconvenient for people to carry more once they need and they are vulnerable to water and fire.therefore, my view is that we should utilize the e-books approprately, as well as the traditional textbooks because of their diverse functions in our practical daily life, and one thing that we should bear in my mind is that great importance should be attached to both of them. in a sense only when their relationships are balanced could their utilities and functions are brought into full play.





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