
更新时间:2019-11-16 来源:一年级作文 点击:


  with the rapid development of the society, family life is becoming modernized. years ago, people considered owing radios, sewing machines, watches and bicycles as being modernized.

  but in recent years, almost all families have tv sets, refrigerators and washing machines. it is very common to see people ride motorcycles or even drive private cars and more and more families have telephones, computers and air-conditioners.

  the modernization of family life brings us convenience and comfort. one may enjoy tv or radio programs, communicate with his friends through telephone or work with his computer while his washing machine, refrigerator and air-conditioners are running. and by car or motorcycle one can quickly reach wherever he wants to go.

  in spite of this, these modern facilities also bring us disadvantages. for example, radiation from tv sets and computers is harmful to our health; improper driving of cars and motorcycles becomes the major cause of traffic accidents.

  the quietness of a family is often disturbed by a falsedialing or unwelcome phone call. but it is believed that these disadvantages will be disposed of with the improvement of modernization and our life will be more healthy and more comfortable.





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