
更新时间:2021-11-28 来源:一年级作文 点击:


  There are lots of social problems facing China nowadays, for example, an aging population. For those elderly, disabled people, they are often considered as a burden to the family & society. Do you agreeExplain why.

  Nowadays, the development of china surprised many people ,we can’t ignore some social problem in the process of it, such as aging population. It says that from 2011 to 2015, elderly people aged over 60 will increase 221 million, an average of 8.6 million annual. elderly proportion of the population increased from 13.3% to 16%, making huge demand pressure on social insurance and pension services.

  As for this situation, some elderly people are treated as burden by society and their family.  Instead, they may cost a lot of money on food, clothing, medical care and medication, etc.

  On the contrary, they need to spend a lot of time to accompany them. Thus their families don't have enough time to rest and work. In addition, because older person often feel lonely, they require family members to spend a lot of time to accompany them, thus rendering their families don't have enough events to rest and work.

  However, I don’t agree with that. In my eyes, elderly people should not be seen as burden on the family and society.

  At first, when older people are young, they made great

  contributions to their families in their golden times. Without their care, their children can not make any achievement .without their hard work, we can’t see Chinese situation now. Return is the gift of pay. So, it is reasonable foe elderly people to get care from society and families.

  Besides, china is a ritual of ceremony, always focusing on filial piety. As a child, it is their responsible to take good care of their parents. In ancient China, there is a man called Wang Xiang. When his stepmother would like to eat live carp in winter, he took off his clothes and lied on the ice of river to melt the ice. In modern times, Moving China People 2011 candidate Meng  Peijie look after her adoptive mother for 12 years when her  adoptive mother can  not move any more. From ancient times to the present, millions of people’s actions tell us elderly people is not burden. It is our duty and obligation to care the elderly. It is the basic criteria in being a human.

  To sum up, older people should not be treated as burden. They need love. They need us. We should make our best to make sure they have a good time in their old age. After all, we will be old sooner or later.





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