
更新时间:2022-11-28 来源:一年级作文 点击:



  As it is known to us all that, difference in family education between American and Chinese varies in a host of aspects. Here, I would like to concentrate in the differences in the cultivation of children’s interests in the two education systems. Expect for giving a general depiction and digging out the reasons that contribute to the phenomena, personal opinions will also follow behind.

  At the very beginning, it’s obviously that we ought to acquaint with the different attitudes of parents in the two nations towards children’s interests. American parents, inclining to suppose the interests of their kids to be a pure “interest” or some kind of daily techniques, seldom regard it as a tool to grab an admission of an outstanding school. Therefore, in the United States, children are mostly encouraged and induced to developing their interests and do the things what they are really attracted. American parents seldom prevent their children from being caught in their preference or enforce them to do what they do not like either. Meanwhile, in no accordance with the stereotype that formed in the past time, Chinese parents also place much significance in cultivating children’s interests. What they have done for cultivation are no less inferior to the Americans. Nevertheless, interest of kids today in China is considered gradually as something that can steps up to a brighter future. With the interests or the specialties, students gain more opportunities to a better school or university. So it’s not surprising to see some parents in China are under a frenzy of cultivating their children’s interests or, more precisely to say, solidifying the steps to success. A host of reasons result in the emergence of this kind of difference such as the traditional culture, the different education background or even the education policy of the authority. But, from my perspective, both the education methods are

  somewhat suitable for the country itself. Although it is undeniable that Americans’ are focusing more on cultivation rather than utility, we cannot simply blaze our  methods that only to force kids to do something they don’t like or even kill their interest cruelly. Only do we absorb the useful as well as suitable aspects of others’ concept can we make a difference.


  Family education generally refers to the process of parents and their adult family education of the minor child. Their educational goals should be: before children enter socially acceptable collective education (kindergarten, school education) to ensure that children develop physical and mental health, to accept kindergarten, school education lay the foundation. In children park, into the school, with kindergartens, schools make it moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, labor-round development aspects.

  (A) family of early sex education

  The family is the cradle of the lives of children, their education after the birth of the first place, that the first class of life; parents are the child's first teacher, that teacher of enlightenment. Therefore, parents of children with the best education facilities early sexual.

  (B) the continuity of family education

  The second feature is the family education continuity. After the child is born, from small to large, almost 2/3 of the time living in families, day and night, are accepted with parental education. Such education is the intentional and unintentional, planned and unplanned, consciously and unconsciously being carried out, no matter what way, at what time education, are the parents in their own words and deeds affect the education of children anywhere . Such education for children living habits, moral character, conversation and behavior so constantly giving impact and demonstrate its subtle effect is quite large, along with a person's life can be said to live to old to learn, so some Parent educator again called lifelong teachers.

  (C) The family education authority

  Family education is the authoritative parents and elders in their children embodied the power and might. The existence of family, kinship established between parents and children, dependency relationships, emotional relationships, children in terms of moral and material needs of life for parents and elders have a great dependence, consistency fundamental interests of family members, have decided Every parent their children have a greater role in the constraints. Parental education and obedience easily accepted by children, parents and rational use of this feature, the children form good character and behavior are very helpful.

  (D) Family Education infectious

  Natural and intimate, so that parents emotions kinship and relationship between parents and children on the child have a strong role in infection. Children of parents demeanor often hint to love through affection. When processing occurs around the people and things around relationships and problems, the attitude of the parents of the children held easily resonate.

  In short, the importance of family education of parents as to fully and consciously make the child's education, parental responsibility and obligation to do good for the country and qualified construction professionals.





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