
更新时间:2019-11-16 来源:一年级作文 点击:


  Kill Two Birds with One Stone

  It was funny. Last Friday my roommates were making jiaozi (dumplings). Thinking that the boy students were coming, the few of us had to give theroom an extra clean and make some decorations. The dumplings were to be made on the table, so the table had to be cleaned thoroughly. We were busy swiping the floor, washing the table and tidying things up. Finally, we set out a few pots at green plants to add beauty to our bedroom. Hardly had we put everything in order, when we heard "Bang, bang, bang!" Someone was knocking at the door. I opened it. It was not the boy students. Who do you think it was? Those who came to inspect hygiene. It was an coincidence, and we killed two birds with one stone. Our bedroom scored high for mom hygiene. No room exceeded ours in the appraisal for an orderly bedroom. It was great!

  When that group of people were gone, there came anothergroup. This time it was the real guests. We were making jiaozi (dumplings). While I was making them, I was thinking that if the hygiene group came back now, we would score the lowest!








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